Research Consent and Authorization Form

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TITLE: The IONS Discovery Lab: Core Measures


FUNDED BY: Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)

PURPOSE: IONS Discovery Laboratory or IDL (Pronounced “Ideal”) is a long-term research program at the Institute of Noetic Sciences EarthRise for assessing the outcomes and mechanisms of noetic practices.

PROCEDURES: You are being invited to participant in this study because you are either an adult visitor to EarthRise or part of a program collecting IDL measures online. You will complete these before and after your event. You will complete an online survey that will take approximately 20 minutes. If you are on campus, you will be offered a sound reducing device (e.g. new earplugs) to help reduce any distractions from noise. You do not have to use the device. The survey includes questions about yourself, general health, your beliefs, (i.e. interconnectedness, compassion, transformation attitude and beliefs, paranormal belief and experiences). It also includes computer tasks that explore intuition, time estimation, remote viewing, precognition, psychokinesis. The survey questions are optional and you may choose to skip a question or discontinue the measures at any time. Because this is a research study, if you choose to skip a question or discontinue the measures, your remaining data may not be used in the research study.

If you are on-site, study activities also include a two-minute brainwave and heart-rate recording. A Research Assistant, (RA) will arrange for you to be in a comfortable position for the two-minute recording. You or your RA will wipe your forehead with a cleaning pad. You will then place the Muse Brainwave device on your forehead and behind your ears. You will also place two heart rate pads just below your collar bones on both sides. We will then record your brainwave and heart rate while you relax with your eyes closed counting your breath. After you complete your recording, the RA will ask you “On a scale of 1-10, (10 most focused), how focused were you in breath counting?” An instruction sheet will be provided for you with step-by-step details to complete the survey and record your brainwave and heart rate. A RA will be available for any questions or support.

ACCESS TO YOUR TEST RESULTS: You will receive immediate feedback for your performance on three tasks: Guessing the Time, Picking the Picture, and Bubble task. These experimental tasks evaluate a very limited aspect of accessing information and energy from beyond spacetime. Your performance on them does not determine how well or poorly you access information and energy beyond spacetime in general. People receive and express these capacities in many different ways. You will not have direct access to any other individual test results. Workshop leaders may receive basic results (summarized by group, not individual) with the IDL report if they sign up for this service.

RISKS AND DISCOMFORTS: This is a minimal risk study in that it does not include any invasive interventions. One computer task includes graphic imagery that some people find disturbing. You will have the option to skip this task if you do not want to see the imagery. Phone numbers for global mental health support can be found on this website. Your comfort and safety is of the utmost importance and protection against risk will occur at many levels. Your participation is strictly voluntary and you may discontinue the study activities at any time.

BENEFITS: There is no direct compensation for your participation. The findings from these measures will serve as the basis and the ongoing refinement of noetic curriculum – exploring what works, for whom, and under what conditions.

ALTERNATIVES: You may choose not to be in this study, and you may also chose to discontinue the study at any time.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Methods to maintain participant confidentiality will adhere to US Federal guidelines for handling medical information (HIPAA standards). Your consent form with your identity will not be linked to the study data, will be stored electronically on password protected computers, and hard copies securely shredded. Your identity will be linked to a study code in one password-protected file on a password-protected computer. The data from the survey, EEG, and ECG will be stored only with the study code and no identifying information. Without access to the linking file, the data will be completely anonymous. All electronic data have multiple security measures in place to ensure confidentiality and data security.

COSTS: It will not cost you anything to participate in this study.

PARTICIPATION: If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this study now or in the future, contact Helané Wahbeh, (707) 779-8230. This research is being overseen by an Institutional Review Board (“IRB”). You may talk to the IRB Chair, Garret Yount, PhD by emailing him at: if:
You do not have to join this or any research study. If you do join the study and later change your mind, you have the right to quit at any time. If you choose not to join any or all parts of this study, or if you withdraw early from any or all parts of the study, there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

If in the future you decide you no longer want to participate in this research, we will remove your name and any other identifiers from your data, but it will not be destroyed and we may continue to use it for research. Question Title

I have read and understand this research consent and authorization